Mr. H. Mr. B.
Mr. F.
Concussion: Hand of Death- Jackie was knocked unconscious in this movie, directed by John Woo.
Tooth: Snake in the Eagle's Shadow- Hwang Jang Lee knocked his front tooth out.
Broken hip: Magnificent Bodyguard.
Broken nose: Dragon Fist; Project A; Mr. Nice Guy.
Concussion and cut eye: Drunken Master- Once again that mean ol' Hwang Jang Lee hit Jackie too hard, Jackie was knocked unconscious.
Broken finger: Project A- Some sources say he broke 5 fingers, and some say he broke one. Mail me if you know the for sure answer.
Impacted back and burns: Police Story- By now you may have all heard about these injuries from this famous movie. He hurt his back when he was to run through glass, then fall over a railing and land two stories below, his timing was off, and he hurt his back badly. He burned his hands on his very famous stunt where he slides down the chandelier full of Christmas lights (Which were powered by house current, instead of very low battery powered lights) and all of the skin burned off of his hands.
Skull fracture: Armour of God- This is Chan's worst ever injury, this happened in what was considered by Jackie an easy stunt where he jumps from a castle wall to a tree, and swings down. He did it once but wanted to add a twist in it, and when he jumped for the tree the branch broke and he fell 19 feet to the ground and landed on his ears. Everyone thought he was sure to dye, blood was pouring out of his ears. Luckily the best brain surgeon in town was in Yugoslavia, and performed brain surgery right away. The amazing thing is as soon as he recovered he went right back to filming.
Impacted ankle: Dragons Forever- This happened to Jackie during the end fight against Benny "the Jet" Urquidez.
Cuts: Police Story 2- During the stunt where Jackie jumps from one bus to a double decker bus and through a window Jackie got badly cut. He ended up jumping through the wrong window which was made of real glass.
Cut eye: Mr. Canton and Lady Rose- When Jackie was supposed to jump back over a rickshaw Jackie was hit by an ax handle, it hit just above his eyebrow.
Puncture wound: Operation Condor- Jackie got a hole punched into his leg by a wire.
Cuts: Twin Dragons- This is probably his most embarrassing injury yet. He got some glass in his a-... uh... rear end.
Broken shoulder and concussion: Police Story 3: Supercop- Jackie broke his shoulder when a wire that was connected to a water spout was to swing Jackie around and back onto the train, but the wire broke, and the prop helicopter smashed into Jackie's shoulder. Jackie also suffered another concussion while dangling from a helicopter high above the ground in Kuala Lumpur, this happened when he crashed into a building.
Burns: Drunken Master 2- This happens in the stunt where it's obvious that he got burned, where he fell backwards into a bed of hot coals. The amazing thing is that he did it twice.
Broken ankle: Rumble in the Bronx- This shows just what a tough and determined guy Chan is. In the stunt where Jackie jumps from a bridge onto a hovercraft, he landed wrong and the bone came out of his ankle. The main this he was concerned about at the time was if they got the shot or not. Jackie was very determined to finish the movie at this point, so he painted a cloth like a shoe and he wore it, then went bare foot skiing from behind a hovercraft.
Concussion and nose injury: Police Story VI: First Strike- Jackie suffered another concussion in the movie. It seems that in every single Police Story movie Chan got seriously injured. In Police Story 1, he burned all of the skin off his hands, in Police Story 2 he jumped through real glass and got badly cut, and in Supercop he suffered a broken shoulder, and now in First Strike he gets knocked unconscious. Whew! He was knocked unconscious when he jumped through a ladder, and he injured his nose when he was hit by a misdirected stick.
Neck and nose: Mr. Nice Guy- In Mr. Nice Guy he suffered quite a bad injury which put him in the hospital. When he was pushed back in a wheelbarrow and fell backwards and he missed a pole he was supposed to grab a fell and landed on a mat, but it was positioned wrong and he fell down and dislocated some vertebrae. He also broke his nose.
In conclusion, Jackie Chan gets bruised, beat up, and broken in almost every movie he makes. It makes you wonder how long he can keep sustaining these injuries. How many concussions can he suffer? How many more blows can he take? We all pray that he will stop doing these crazy things. We would love him just as much if he used airbags or nets. Some people don't realize just how hard he works to please an audience, the fact is he's putting himself through it so the audience an have a good time at the movies. But everyone would have just as great a time if he protected himself a little bit. We would all have a healthy Jackie on the screen than a beat up one, so we can all enjoy his movies longer.
Source: The Essential Jackie Chan Sourcebook