The 1979 Cadillac Eldorado
It runs pretty darn good for 166k miles.... and is SOLD
This car is a fully loaded luxery car, that is extremely compfortable, and very fun to drive. I am definitely going to miss it.
- 12 month warrenty on transmission AND torque converter by AAMCO!!
Newly rebuilt torque converter by AAMCO.
- A couple weeks ago I took the car to a Cadillac dealer shop in town, and had a $40
oil flushing / cleaning / change done to it. They also performed a detailed
inspection which I have the results of, and turned out great I might add.
- Everything still works!
- Power windows, locks, trunk.
- Air Conditioning
- Climate Control
Automatic temperature sensing-- you just choose the desired temperature.
- Cruise Control
- Electronic Fuel Injection
- Twilight Sentinel
Turns on/off headlights automatically when dark out.
- 6-way adjustable front seats! Very cool.
- Tilting and telescoping steering wheel.
- Mirrors are adjusted from inside the car.
- Outside thermometer on driver's side mirror.
- Automatic leveling system
Helps compensate for a loaded trunk.
- Leather interior (in nice condition)
- Origional chrome spoke wheelcovers
These are definitely unique, because they are much wider than any other Cadillac wheelcovers I have ever seen.
- Great body style, with dings and small scratches in the origional paint as expected, but still looks great.
- Darn fine looking interior too.
- Scroll down for more specifications and history.
- Aftermarket additions
- Avital Remote Access2. Remote trunk release, and keyless entry. MSRP $129
- JVC KD-SX840 CD Player (1999 model) with remote control.
160watts with BBE. Original retail price: $260.
- 2 Pioneer TS-A4103 speakers (4" X 10") MSRP $125
- 2 Pioneer TS-A4612 speakers (4" X 6") MSRP $85
- 2 Pioneer TS-WX70 subwoofers (8") '99 model, Orig. Retail price: $175 each.
NOT to be included with sale of car. Photo is of 2000 model.
- Crunch DS-1004 400watt amplifier.
NOT to be included with sale of car. MSRP $159.
- About $40 of Monster Cable wiring, which I may leave in with the car.
- I suggest you check out
if you are looking for a good deal on electronics (They have car stereos, alarms, and a lot more.)
- More Specifications
- The engine is the V-8 350(5.7L)
- Torque: 270 ft/lbs at 2000rpm
- Horsepower: 170 at 4200rpm
- Automatic Transmission.
- Actual city fuel economy: 9-10 mpg.
Actual hiway fuel economy: 13-14 mpg.
- I just renewed the registration on May of 2000.
- Oil and filter changed every 3,000 to 3,150 miles, last time was at 166,000 miles.
- Air filter replaced on 5/26/200. (It requires the 1980 air filter replacement).
- Spark plugs and wires replaced in 1996 at 147,609 miles.
- New front right axle and boot (replaced because the boot had gotten ripped).
- All rocker arm pivots and any worn-looking rocker arms were replaced with new ones
this last July.
- The car of course has a spare wheel in the trunk, but I also happen to have a spare
tire in good condition for this car too!
- I will include the owners manual, and the Chilton's automotive repair manual for the car.
- I have several other various spare parts for the car that I will include too!
- Front tires have lots of tread left, rear tires are getting low on tread.
- It is a front wheel drive car, and I have rotated the tires.
- My grandfather bought this car used 1 year old, and I recieved the car in 1995.
He took care of it, and so have I.
The only reason I am selling this car is because I need a more economical vehicle.
I might sell my amp and subs if offered enough money, but I really don't want to sell them.
Price: $1,480.00
Includes: 12 month warrenty on transmission and torque converter,
remote keyless entry, CD player, 4 fine Pioneer spearkers (2 - 4x10's and 2 - 4x6's),
and POSSIBLY FREE installed Monster Cable Wiring for an amplifier of HIGH WATTAGE.